How to Improve Productivity While Working from Home

The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in millions of Americans working from home, many for the first time. Maintaining productivity during a global pandemic in an unfamiliar work environment while sharing the space with other people (including children, for parents) can be a difficult prospect, but there are some strategies you can implement each day to stay on task and get your work done.

With this in mind, here are a few tips to help you be more productive while working from home.

  • Maintain regular work hours: There is a lot of flexibility that comes with working from home, and so much freedom can result in people working from home failing to stay focused on their duties. However, if you set a consistent work schedule each day and dedicate yourself to being productive within those time frames, you will find it much easier to get your work done. Consider the times of day at which you are most productive and the times when you need to be available to communicate with your coworkers, customers, and supervisors, and that will help you set a reasonable schedule.
  • Break up your day: You should keep personal time and work time entirely separate. When you’re working, you’re “at work” and should remove distractions as much as possible. One way to help with this is to break up your day with planned breaks, lunchtime, and interaction with other people in your home. Just as taking breaks at work is good to help you reset and recharge, the same is true when working at home.
  • Reserve a space for work: If you’re only temporarily working from home, you might not be able to set up a full office. But at the very least, you should have one little part of your home dedicated solely to work. It will be tempting to work from your favorite recliner or your bed, but this can result in lower productivity. Having one space where can be completely devoted to your work will go a long way toward improving your productivity.
  • Keep your work space organized: Numerous studies indicate well-organized spaces lead to much greater productivity. It can be difficult to get work done if you’re distracted by clutter all over your desk or work area. It becomes easier to procrastinate to focus on cleaning.
  • Dress for success: Even if you won’t be interacting with anyone else, it might help you (especially if you typically work in an office environment) to still dress and prepare as though you’re going to work. Get up and perform your morning routine: showering, brushing your teeth, making your coffee, and getting dressed. While it might be comfortable to wear a hoodie and sweatpants all day, you might find this results in you feeling sleepy or unmotivated. Professional attire can help encourage productivity.
  • Set boundaries: When you’re at work, you should separate yourself from others in your home as much as possible. Spouses and children should have an understanding that you are “at work” and should not be disturbed. Try to keep pets out from your work area if possible, as well. All of this will help you better avoid distraction.

Looking for more tips to help you stay productive when working at home during quarantine? Contact us at MCG Solutions and we’ll be happy to be of assistance.


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