Finance tips


The Most Common Payroll Mistakes Made by Small Businesses

Running payroll is an extremely important job, and it’s critical that you maintain accuracy in the process, as even little mistakes could end up having big consequences. Many small businesses have their owner or another person in-house without much bookkeeping or accounting experience performing payroll tasks, which opens the company up to a greater likelihood

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Why You Should Seek Professional Assistance When Preparing Your Taxes

Every year, people across the United States have to consider whether they will do their taxes themselves or reach out to a professional tax preparer. While it is true that it typically costs less money up front to do your taxes yourself, there are plenty of reasons why having a professional do your taxes for

Why You Should Seek Professional Assistance When Preparing Your Taxes Read More »

How Proposed Tax Code Changes Could Affect Your Tax Return

One of the biggest stories in politics this fall has been the Republican efforts to pass overhauls to the United States tax code. Both the House tax reform bill and its corresponding Senate draft have a number of different potential effects on employers and employees alike, including specific changes that could affect tax returns. Here

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